MAYAs formed as a group in July of 2007. MAYAs is comprised of Young Adults from congregations in the Greater Pacific Northwest Mission Center. Members of MAYAs live in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Vancouver, Eugene, and Tigard.


Metro Area Young Adults is a ministry within the Community of Christ. We strive to embody the church mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of hope, love, joy, and peace. All are welcome to laugh, learn, share, fellowship, and worship.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Samish Island Young Adult Retreat 2007: Includes Recap, Slideshow, and Testimony

At 8:30am the MAYA young adults gathered to leave for what would be a 5 hour 500 mile round trip trek to Samish Island for the annual Samish Island Young Adult Retreat. With everyone carpooling we set off at what was the start of a beautiful day. Upon arriving at Samish we were blessed with a beautiful day. Since we got there rather early many of the young adults set out to explore the campgrounds. From the lake, to the Indian burial ground, to the point, and back again. Camp started at 8pm as more and more young adults arrived. We started the retreat off with a campfire and ended it with devotions and games.

The next morning everyone arose to find that the local forcast had been wrong. We were supposed to have rain all weekend but the Lord blessed us with wonderful weather all weekend. Saturday was full of fun, fellowship, and worship. The morning worhsip was led by Rachel at the campfire pit overlooking Lake Freestad where Rachel shared a personal testimony of her struggles this past week and how the Lord led her out of it. She then opened it to everyone to share of thier struggles. The group took the time to open up and share with one another. We closed with what became the weekend song, "We are one in the Spirit." From there everyone attended the theme class given by guest ministers Christie and Christian Skoor-Smith. They discussed with us about Enviromental Stewardship, the state of oil in the world, what we can do to help the environment, and how to get involved. Many came away with a deeper understanding and conviction for what they need to do. The afternoon was filled with rest, volleyball, and many spending time laying out with a good book. For dinner everyone participated in what has become a camp tradition of making our own pizzas for dinner. Some were unique, pretty, and odd but they all tasted good as Sean yelled out Prices Right style when each individuals pizza was finished and ready to eat.

We started off the evening with a rousing game of "Mafia". Who says you are ever to old to play games. Campfire followed as Rachel and Jessica topped off the weekend with an encore of thier toast skit. We all then gathered together for a communion service led by Erik as we listened to music and shared testimonies of the cost of our discipleship. Erik portrayed wonderfully how in our world today we all struggle with being Chrisitian. Many shared and bore testimony and strife over the cost of thier discipleship. Everyone connected and comforted one another and the peaceful Spirit of Christ was present as we all partook of the sacrament of communion.

The night was topped off again with games and late night discussion. As the retreat came to a close the following morning with everyone running around doing camp chores there was that Spirit of anticipation as the time came to leave. We gathered together in the closing worship led by Sean to share in our experiences over the weekend and how we know it is hard to leave after being together in such an amazing environment.

Camp ended at 12pm but most stayed behind talking and saying good-byes until 1. We were truely blessed this past weekend with the Spirit of Christ as we gathered together to share with one another in fellowship, worship, and fun. For those that missed, do not worry, you do not have to wait another year. There will be another young adult retreat in the Spring at Lewis River Campgrounds in Yacolt, Washington (more details to come soon).

See below for a slideshow of the weekend with pictures compliments of Erik Olinjsma

A Testimony From Tim Soper
The recent young adult retreat at Samish Island was truly awesome. We had 36 young adults show up which to me is just wonderful. We had great times playing volleyball, making pizza and of course joining together in worship and sharing each others company in fellowship and shared testimony. About midway through camp I had already decided that the camp had met my expectations and exceeded them and it only got better as well and concluded with, for me, a sense of accomplishment and contentment.

For the week approaching camp though I have to say I had my doubts and was seriously questioning what my role was and how I would fit in. I deeply wanted to be completely in-tuned with God's will and make the most of what I felt could be a great opportunity. As the days past and it became closer and closer to the time we would begin the 4+ hour drive from Portland past Seattle to Samish, nothing it seemed was stirring in my heart or leading me to contentment with the upcoming events.

But, if I may, I'd like to turn the clock back about a week to our congregational retreat at Lewis River. It was here that an epiphany occurred in my spiritual growth and development that allowed for further closeness with God. Although simple and possibly trite, I took a step with God that has revolutionized my look at life and has changed me in a way which I believe has forced me to a brink from which I will never be able to return.

I gained a closeness with God I had never achieved and so naturally any upcoming events would be judged by the success of this leap and so naturally my heart was set on great things and it was easy to look at further progress with speculation. In the process of this retreat at Lewis River I accepted God and my relationship with God to be one of Father and child. I had already learned of the unconditional love He held for me. Deep inside me though, for the longest time I felt I constantly had to earn it or repay it through good deeds. Everyday I would approach life with an unceasing drive to do good in anyway I could. I constantly tried to gain new ways in which I could pray more efficiently or make a closer approximation of myself to my Savior.
With God playing the role of parent it is now clear to me that with my heart true, any reasonable request for needs from Him are requests He wants to fill. This is the, "possibly simple and trite", "epiphany" I had. When these needs are not fulfilled the result stems from the work of the devil and the evil in men's hearts. I know now that I am literally entitled to the granting of these needs on my behalf as I unceasingly look to do my Holy Father's work.

At Samish, I walked out into the daylight. I felt a refreshing breeze flow over my skin. I looked to an open bench with a spectacular view of the bay. I knew this was where I would spend my "rest-time" for the afternoon. As I lay on the bench and peered out over the majestic view. Birds flew over my head. Insects buzzed about hurriedly attending to their "daily chores". The wind whipped about. All about me the Spirit moved and I shared with my maker, some one-on-one down time. I conversed with Him openly in my mind and through my senses. We were completely connected and we knew every attribute of each other. As a loving Father He guided me to understand anything I desired and gently instructed of priority kingdom building needs. He swept away any fears I held inside or was ready to openly share with Him. The most deep love I had ever experienced occurred here and every doubt ended. In the innermost depths of my soul I have a devotion to my God now that I know I can never again deny. I have an understanding now of exactly how he wants my life to be lived and truly all that's left of this life as far as question or insecurity is an endless war, for love.

Weekly Prayer List 9.27-10.2

I am hoping that there are those out there who view the prayer list. If you have any prayer concerns please send them my way. After the prayer service this Sunday I will post those prayer concerns mentioned at the service. View below this weeks prayer list...

1. Prayer service this Sunday
2. The YAPS and MAYAs young adult groups-please uphold these groups.
3. Local congregations-spend some time this week praying earnestly for your congregations.
4. Fullness of Christ-Pray that you might come to know the fullness of Christ
5. Witnessing-Pray that you the Lord might bring you to someone who needs to know the Love of the Lord
6. Andy E.-Past couple of weeks have been hard for him with the ending of a relationship and brother being in the war in Iraq. Please uphold Andy and his family as well.

Scripture on Prayer:

" Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in him; and he will bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Weekly Prayer List

Please uphold the following in your prayers this week.

1. Heidi-Just found out she has breast cancer and will be undergoing chemotherapy (Jessica's co-worker)
2. Lee-struggling right now, father is really sick, struggling with faith (Jessica and Rachel's cousin)
3. Priesthood Retreat
4. Young Adult Prayer Service
5. Young adults who are unemployed-I know several young adults are looking for work right now. Keep them in your prayers.

Weekly scripture on prayer:

"And because of meekness and lowliness of heart, comes the visitation of the Holy Spirit, which comfort fills with hope and perfect love, which love endures by diligence unto prayer..." Moroni 8: 29

Fellowship, Food, and Prayer Service

What: Fellowship, Pizza, and a prayer service.

Cost: Free will offering (anywhere from $5-8 per person)

When: Sunday September 30th from 6pm-8pm or whenever people leave.

Where: Rachel's Apartment (email for directions)

Our last prayer service was awesome. I hope that more of you can make it to this one, invite friends come prepared, and hope to see you there. If you are coming let us know so we can prepare the food appropriately.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weekly Prayer Concerns

If you have any prayer concerns please email us at I will post all prayer concerns weekly.

I would encourage everyone to take time out every week to look at the list and spend some time in prayer over those people and concerns posted.

Some scriptures to ponder...

"To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person." Luke 6:27 (The Message)

"Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you; seek me dilegently and you will find me; ask and you will recieve; knock and it will be opened to you; whatsoever you ask the Father in my name it will be given to you if it is expedient for you..." Doctrine and Covenants 85:16 b-f

"Humble yourselves and continue in prayer to Him...You must pour out your souls in your closets and your secret places and in your wilderness; and when you do not cry to the Lord, Let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer to Him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those that are around you." Alma 16: 219, 221-222 (RCE)

May we keep the following in our prayers this week and always...

1. Our Young Adult Group/The Young Adult Retreat
2. Our congregations
3. The World Church
4. (Your Prayer Concern-Insert Here)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Steve and Cathi Veazey To Meet With All Young Adults While at the Priesthood Event

Attention All Young Adults!!

Exciting news! Steve and Cathi Veazey will be meeting with the young adults on September 29th at the Portland Congregation. The couple will be in town as the guest ministers at the priesthood retreat. Since we are blessed to already have them here in town we were able to get them to also meet with us. The announcement is below. Please note that everyone is invited not just priesthood. Please put this in your bulletins, newsletters, announcements and pass out to your young adults and promote in your young adult groups. This is an amazing opportunity to meet with the Prophet/President and his wife!

Metro Area Young Adults Present

An Open Dialogue For Young Adults
With Steve and Cathy Veazey

When: September 29

Time: 8:45 pm-9:45pm (be there early for seating)

The priesthood retreat is the same weekend and the
meeting will take place after the activities on Saturday.

Where: Portland Congregation

Who: All Young Adults

What: An informal meeting where we will have some time to hear about what is going on with young adults in the church and to ask the Veazey’s questions
about the church, young adult ministries, or anything we would like them to address.

MAYAs First Event Ever

So our first event was at the annual Mt. Tabor Soapbox Derby. It was pretty awesome with several thousand people there and lots of really cool cars. You had the themed cars of course and then you had those guys who are seriously in to having a smooth riding fast car. Check out the slideshow below for pics of some of the cars. I think my favorites were the Big Wheel and Noah's Ark (complete with the nursery song blaring, "The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky..."). Which one is your favorite? -Rachel

Welcome-First Blog

I envisioned this site being something that everyone could utilize not just for updates on events and so forth but a site you could go to to post a prayer request, share a testimony, or read something interesting that is going on in the church or the world. It is pretty amazing to think about how far the Lord has brought us as a group already in these few months. I know the Lord will continue to bless us in our endeavors as we continue to strive to strengthen our own lives in Him as well as our congregations and our young adult group. I hope everyone realizes how important they are to the Lord and to the church. Your presence at services and activities adds to the community and stregthens the body. Your relationship with Christ is of extreme importance to the Lord. He wants you to grow closer to Him. Our only hope is that our group will be a part in helping you do that.

In more enthusiastic nature, in line with the possibilities we have for this group and our congregations, would like to say, "Let's Rock This! Peace." :)
