MAYAs formed as a group in July of 2007. MAYAs is comprised of Young Adults from congregations in the Greater Pacific Northwest Mission Center. Members of MAYAs live in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Vancouver, Eugene, and Tigard.


Metro Area Young Adults is a ministry within the Community of Christ. We strive to embody the church mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of hope, love, joy, and peace. All are welcome to laugh, learn, share, fellowship, and worship.

Friday, December 21, 2007

MAYAs Christmas

Here are a few pics from our Saturday at Pioneer Courthouse Square with Tuba Christmas, Dinner, and a play "The Foolish Wiseman."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Canada O Canada

Upcoming YAPS Event! Many of the MAYAs are already discussing carpool options. Let us know if you want to go!

Yes that's right, back by popular demand . . . a trip to the great country up north: Canada! After all of last year's fun and fellowship, we decided that another visit to Canada would be well worth it. You know what? The Canadians actually went for it! They WANT us back!!! And who are we to deny them? (And I thought we blew it last time with our directional skills . . . way to go Sean). Our last activity was slightly diminished due to the weather, but we still had an awesome time. 6 of us showed up and ate good food, unwrapped silly gifts (white elephant gifts rule!), and played Scene It and Catch Phrase. While I'm happy that 6 of us still came, I'm hoping that we can blow that number out of the water for our journey northward - can we do it??? That's what I thought ;) Here's the preliminary info:

What: Trip to Canada! We'll be heading up on a Saturday and staying overnight until Sunday afternoon. We plan on spending the day on Saturday having fun in downtown Vancouver, B.C. (GREAT place) and then retiring to the church for games and karaoke (I have the voice of an angel . . . the angel of death that is). Sunday morning we'll lead the worship at the Vancouver congregation and then share in lunch with the afterward. If you're interested in helping us with the worship, please let us know because we need it!

When: January 12th and 13th (Saturday to Sunday). We will be leaving early in the morning on Saturday and then leaving Sunday afternoon. How much: Sean and I have yet to finalize all the details, so we'll get back to you with specifics about the cost of the weekend :)

How will we get there: We'll caravan and carpool . . . so I'll call it carapool. I love word combination. So, yes, we'll carapool from the States up to Canada and we can definitely arrange pick-up/meet-up points along the way as needed. So, if you want to go and want to join up with us, let us know and we'll work out the carapool details.

**Important** You will need to bring a Passport or birth certificate - they are not required yet, but they make it a heck of a lot easier to cross the border. I know all of you must be salivating by now at the prospect of joining us on such a royal adventure . . . don't worry, I am too. Just ring a bell, say "Canada," and say hello to drool. Can you say "Classical Conditioning"? (If not, it's just my psychobabble anyway)

Bottom line: It's going to be a great time, so I strongly urge all of you to consider coming. It's a wonderful chance to fellowship and worship together with our brothers and sisters from up North. Please e-mail us or contact us via Myspace, Facebook, or our Blog to let us know if you're going to come (or are at least interested in trying to come). Thanks everyone! Sean Langdon and Erik Skoor

Sixth Annual Seminary Convocation "Courage to Reach"

The Sixth Annual Seminary Convocation
“Courage to Reach”

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Graceland University Independence Campus1401
W. Truman Road, Independence , MO , USA

Sample Seminary courses
Seminary Vision Award will be presented to Barbara and Dick Howard. Sue McLaughlin installed as associate dean of the Community of Christ Seminary. Special offering collected for the Sandra Gleazer Johnson Endowed Scholarship fund for future Seminary students. Reception in the Atrium to meet Seminary professors and staff
All are invited!More info: Tere Naylor / 800-833-0524 ext. 4903
2008 Theology & Ministry Forum
“Science & Religion: Pastoral Implications”February 8-10, 2008Graceland University , Lamoni , IA , USA
· Keynote presenters: Laurie Gordon, Nancy Howell, C. Robert Mesle, & Jerry Nieft.
· More presentations by biologists, chemists, ecologists, philosophers, physicists, as well as Graceland students
· Closing worship guest speaker: President Becky Savage
· All are invited!More Info: or Tere Naylor / 816-833-0524 ext. 4903.

The Seminary is growing! The Seminary is successful! The Seminary is preparing Community of Christ young adults for professional ministry and world-changing discipleship!
Check it out! What have you got to learn?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Young Adult Minister For the World Church

Hi there! My name is Erica Blevins and I’m happy to introduce myself as Young Adult Disciple Formation Specialist for Community of Christ. Let me tell you just little about who I am….

Currently, I live in an apartment in Lansing, Michigan, and I’m serving in this role long-distance. I'm engaged to my fiancĂ©, Michael, and we're looking forward to moving into married life very soon! I am 27 years old and enjoy volleyball and theatre. For fun I also love reading, laughing with friends, eating peanut butter by the spoonful, playing Frisbee, and I must also admit to an undying love of Kermit the Frog. God has been very faithful in my life, an intimate Friend and constant Hope for the future. Following Christ's call to discipleship has been a surprising and challenging adventure for me! I’m passionate about responding to God's faithfulness and sharing God's Hope through our peace-focused faith community, Community of Christ. I am so excited for the possibilities for this world if we take action in response to God's promises!

I grew up in Independence, Missouri, USA as a member of Community of Christ. I have two sisters – one is a twin! I went to college at Missouri State University, where I gained some experience leading a small campus ministry group. And from there I moved to Michigan, USA. In East Lansing, Michigan I have worked at a mission center office, as a pastor, and done campus ministry work at the Community of Christ Journey House Campus Ministry Center for 4 years. I have loved the energy, creativity, and mentoring that is involved with campus ministry work!

What does that “Young Adult Disciple Formation Specialist” mean? It means I have an overwhelming Hope for the world-changing people that God is calling Community of Christ to be – and I wholeheartedly believe that our young adults are made to be the lifeblood of that movement! It’s my role to help us take on that adventure! I hope to help Community of Christ young adults become unified - to support one another in the ministries we’re doing around the globe and unified to rally one another in our vision and hope for the world. And I hope to help as we look into our congregations to discover ways that ministry to young adults and from young adults can be a lively and integral part of the community.Now, I want to get to know you!Please contact me to let me know who you are and what you’re up to in your area of young adult ministry. Feel free to call (517-881-6535) with questions for ministry support, or just to chat.

Erica is currently working on a new website for young adults that will be available on the World Church website,, at the beginning of the year. Erica is very interested in hearing your ideas and thoughts about young adult ministry. Don't hesitate to comtact her!


This past Sunday young adults from the Portland, Vancouver, and Seattle areas gathered at the Garden Grove congregation to say "see ya later" to Erik! Everyone enjoyed the classic potluck dinner. Erik has been in the northwest for the past 6 or so months. Before that he was in the midwest doing World Service Corps for the Community of Christ. Erik will be returning to the Netherlands this weekend. Erik was an active participant in the MAYAs and YAPS groups. We will miss his smile, jokes, insights, and pictures! All of us have been blessed to have gotten to know Erik. Erik, we wish you well and look forward to seeing you again (hmmm...seems like a young adult trip to Europe would be needed).