MAYAs formed as a group in July of 2007. MAYAs is comprised of Young Adults from congregations in the Greater Pacific Northwest Mission Center. Members of MAYAs live in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Vancouver, Eugene, and Tigard.


Metro Area Young Adults is a ministry within the Community of Christ. We strive to embody the church mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of hope, love, joy, and peace. All are welcome to laugh, learn, share, fellowship, and worship.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Upcoming Events

Bowling and A Square Dance

This weekend is Rock’It Bowling at Hollywood Bowl and a Square Dance at the Portland Congregation as a fundraiser for Outreach International! Check out the flyer on the side bar! If you are interested in going please notify us by 5:30pm Saturday so we know how many people to reserve lanes for. Join Young Adults from all over the Mission Center who will be in attendance at Conference.

Outreach Meal

Do you enjoy serving others? Do you also like to cook? Join the Portland congregation on October 27th at 2:30 pm to help prepare meals for a local cause. Volunteers will be needed to cook and help transport the food to a local cause. See map to Portland Congregation, click here.

Tim and Rachel Are Making Their Rounds
Tim and Rachel will be taking time out to make special visits to the following congregations:
Tuality: October 28th
Garden Grove: December 2nd
We will be coming for Sunday school and the morning worship. We want to take this informal time to meet some of the young adults, share with them about the group, and answer any questions. We will be working on visiting more congregations in the future.

Free Concert at the Tuality Congregation
Tuality is having a concert on the 28th of October at 5pm. It is featuring the talents of Micah Hammac and Chad Elliot. This is a free concert all are welcome. Chad and Micah are young adults known by all in this area. It would be a great opportunity to get a bunch of them together at this time. Micah is a founding member of the Bay Area Young Adults group in California. He was also born and raised in this area. From, Pastor Rick Taylor. For directions click here.

Food, Fun, and Fellowship

What: Fellowship, Pizza, and a prayer/sharing service.
Cost: Free will offering (anywhere from $5-8 per person)
When: Sunday November 4th from 6pm-8 or whenever people leave.
Where: Rachel and Jessica's Place. For directions email the group.

GPNW Young Adult Discussion Board

Do you want to connect with other young adults across the mission center? Do you enjoy discussing topics that deal with world issues, the church, and everyday life? Then you should check out the new GPNW Young Adult discussion board. All you have to do is click on the link, register, and start posting!

Looking Ahead

Christmas Concert
Mark your Calendars! Garden Grove Vancouver Congregation is hosting a Christmas Concert on December 8th. If you are interested in performing in the concert contact Karen Sundstrom at More Details to follow.