MAYAs formed as a group in July of 2007. MAYAs is comprised of Young Adults from congregations in the Greater Pacific Northwest Mission Center. Members of MAYAs live in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Vancouver, Eugene, and Tigard.


Metro Area Young Adults is a ministry within the Community of Christ. We strive to embody the church mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of hope, love, joy, and peace. All are welcome to laugh, learn, share, fellowship, and worship.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Under the Overpass

I was prompted today to share this book with you all after an experience I had this morning. Pretty much every day I pass a homeless camp on my way to work. This morning there were paramedics taking someone in a blue bag to the vehicle. I was awestruck as I saw many of the people staying at this camp looking on as they put this stranger (to me) away never to be seen again.

I thought to myself, who was this person, what was thier name, where are they from, do they have family that will miss them, who were they?

I then remembered this book I read several years ago, "Under The Overpass."

I was searching for a book that would inspire me, something where I could read about people living out thier faith in the rawest and truest ways. I grabbed "Under the Overpass" off the shelf and began to read the back cover. Hmmm...a story of two Christian upper class guys who decide to live on the streets, homeless, penniless for 6 months to truely see what it meant to lose everything.

This was what I was looking for. When I got home I could not put it down. They shared many stories of thier time in the cities in the US with the higher homeless populations: Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Denver, and DC. They shared thier spiritual experiences, thier struggles, the discrimination, the hardships, the suffering, and the joy they encountered on thier 6 month journey. One might find it interesting how they were treated by many Christians along the way.

Now several years later I am still being impacted by this books message. It has helped shape how I look at society, the marginalized, and the homeless. I see things a lot differently now. I act differently now. I myself have contemplated many times if I would have had the courage to do what they accomplished. Could I even spend a weekend on the streets living homeless?

Those who live on the streets have names, lives, histories, stories, family, and friends just like the person I saw this morning. They, like us, love, struggle, have faith in God, and encounter the same experiences others do it is just in different ways. It is so easy to forget those lost to society. They are adults, children, and teenagers. All of which are in need of care, love, attention, and to know that they are of worth. If you can, read the book, step out, listen to the stories of the homeless, spend time with them, learn thier names, and share with them when they are in need.

You can buy "Under the Overpass" it at used (buying used saves on waste) and the 30 Day Devotional, "My 30 Days Under the Overpass".

Iron John

Micah Hammac and Chad Elliot

Those who gathered at the Tuality Community of Christ on Sunday the 28th were blessed with awesome music from Chad Elliot and Micah Hammac, known as Iron John. They are in the area from time to time all the way from Spencer, Iowa where they run Shaky Tree Coffee House. Both enjoy sharing their music with all. You can check out music, videos, and ways to book them for House Concerts at their websites:

Prayer List 11.1-8

It seems that over the past few weeks I have run into a lot of people who have lost loved ones or are in the process of losing loved ones. Please keep the following people in your prayers and thoughts and also look around you to those who you know are in the same place in thier lives. Reach out a hand that would bring the love of God to them to bring healing and restoration.

1. Mike, just lost his grandfather.
2. Jenn, lost her father.
3. Lee, father is terminally ill.
4. Matt and Paul, lost thier grandfather.
5. To those unnamed souls who have lost someone precious to them.

Weekly Scriptures:
"And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17: 3

"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer; for I have overcome the world!" John 16: 33

Upcoming Events

Food, Fun, and Fellowship

What: Fellowship, Pizza, and a prayer/sharing service.
Cost: Free will offering (anywhere from $5-8 per person)
When: Sunday November 4th from 6pm-8 or whenever people leave.
Where: Rachel and Jessica's Place, contact us for directions.

YAPS Visit Portland

When: November 10-11 starting at 1pm on Saturday at the Portland Community of Christ.
Where: Downtown and the Portland Community of Christ
What: The Young Adults of Puget Sound will be driving down to meet with the MAYAs. They will travel downtown for some fun, food and fellowship. The night will conclude at the church where there will be more time for fun and games. All are welcome to stay the night at the church with the YAPS. The next morning the YAPS will be providing the ministry at the morning worship.
Directions: Click Here for a map to the Portland Community of Christ

If you are interested in being involved with the service on Sunday please notify us as soon as you can.

Young Family Bible Study

November 11, from 4:30-7:30 pm, there will be a Young Family Bible Study class at Scott and Laurie White’s home from the Tuality congregation. This will be family orientat for those with children. They will start by roasting hot dogs followed by the bible study class, craft, and singing. Please contact Scott or Laurie at if you are interested in attending.

Planning Meeting

Join the MAYAs on November 17th from 6-8pm at the IHOP on 82nd past Holgate. Click here for directions We will be taking some time out to fellowship and talk about what activities we would like to do over the next four months. If you are not able to attend but have some ideas please send them our way.

Looking Ahead

Going Away Potluck For Erik!

Join us on December 2nd at the Garden Grove Community of Christ to say farwell to our friend Erik Olijnsma. Erik has been in the NW since the summer visiting from the Netherlands. He was a part of World Service Corps. He came to Washington after WSC ended to stay with friends to further his experience in the United States. Erik has been an active member of the MAYAs group during his stay here. All are welcome to share with a potluck, one of our church’s specialties, after the 11 o’clock service that Sunday. Bring your favorite dish!

Pastors Meeting

All Pastors, Young Adult Ministers, and Young Adults who are interested in young adult ministry are invited to join together on December 9th at the Portland Congregation to discuss the MAYAs group, congregational young adult ministry, and get to know one another a bit better. The meeting will start at 6pm and will not last longer than 90 minutes. Please bring yourselves, ideas, and young adults with you. RSVP if you plan on attending. This will be a great way for us to connect and continue working towards stronger young adult ministry in the area.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The YAPS Visit Portland!

A Little Note From Our Sister Group in the Puget Sound Area

Yes, the Land of Port (aka “Portland”) is an enchanting land – full of possibility and great spirit. The Young Adults of the Puget Sound will visit this mystic land down south. Will you join this sacred quest with us? Will you dare to share an experience that will bring us closer to one another and closer to our Maker? The answer better be yes or I’ll kick you .. . . in a very Christ-like way of course. Leather sandals and, well, you get the picture . . .Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of it:

When: November 10th and 11th (Sat to Sun).Plan: We’ll be leaving from Marysville, WA – the Cedarcrest Congregation – at 8:30am on Saturday morning. We can make a couple stops on the way down south to pick up people or to have others join our caravan (ex. Seattle and Auburn/Tacoma) if needed.We will then stop for lunch in or around Vancouver, WA – you’ll need to bring money for lunch. Afterward, we will proceed to the Portland Community of Christ Church to drop off our stuff (should be around 1pm) and then we will head to downtown Portland for an afternoon of fun and exploration.

Dinner will be out on the town at a place to be determined – you will need to bring money for dinner as well.Following dinner, we will return to the church for an evening of games and activities. The congregation has a gym and has plenty of space for hanging out.

Yes, I’m sure “What if, Then” will rear it’s ugly head :)Sunday morning, YAPS will lead the 11am worship service after a breakfast that we will provide. We will need your help for this! We need people who are willing to share testimonies, read scriptures, participate in a short activity (focus moment), and help with the offertory.

Please e-mail Sean or me if you are willing to participate. This is a great opportunity to worship together and provide ministry to our faith community.Lunch on Sunday afternoon will be on our way out of town and will need to be provided by you. We should be getting back into the Seattle area by 6pm.

Cost: You’ll need to provide the money for 2 lunches and 1 dinner. Also, if you are carpooling, bring some money for gas for the driver to help bring down the cost of travel.

So . . . who’s in??? Let us know ASAP so we can lock down our plans for this awesome weekend! As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns – we’d love to help make this weekend happen. We’ll talk to you soon!

Sean Langdon and Erik Skoor

PS. If you are apart of MAYAs and want to join let Tim or Rachel know!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"The Devil Came On Horseback"

Take some time out this week to view the movie and see what is going on half way around the world to our brothers and sisters in Darfur. Check out the link below for ways you can get involved and help stop what is going on.

Exposing the tragedy taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness who has since returned to the US to take action to stop it.
The Devil Came on Horseback
Directed by Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern
Showing: Mon-Thur Oct. 22-25 Showtimes: Nightly 7:00, 9:00

For ways you can get involved click below!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Petition For Dedication

Petition for Dedication from Tim Soper

Members of the Community of Christ, brothers & sisters of faith and all those who feel a calling to receive all the eternal gifts promised to you by our Holy Lord. Do you have an unceasing desire to spread love, peace and joy throughout our communities? Would you like to? If so, come lift our creator up to the majesty, honor and respect to which He deserves. Get involved. Help make this world a better place for all. Develop your skills as peacemakers.

Refine your bodies and consciences in preparation for your rightful place in heaven. Through the perfecting of your unique and personal gifts, which have been bestowed upon you by God, learn to grasp your full potential. Practice forgiving your enemies and prepare to wage war on all that defies the most high will of God the Creator who embodies Christ's Shalom. Make new friends and allies in Christ Jesus. Develop the "know how" to obtain inner peace and happiness in a world that can all to often be such a bleak and broken planet.

The M.A.Y.A.'s are a great group of young adults dedicated to Christ. We meet on a regular basis to fellowship and share in all sorts of really fun activities. Together we plan to engage in what's most meaningful to each of us. We are constantly looking to expand our base and attract souls who share our desire to be disciples of our Lord. We are one in the spirit. We are one in the Lord.

You deserve greatness and the young adults of the Pacific NW Mission Center, Community of Christ are striving to do great. We have a powerful will but we need you. If this is your place, open your heart. Ask Jesus to come into your life and direct you to places only the true Love of God could inspire. If one of our month to month activities sounds cool and fun, come join us. We want to show you love. We would love to have you. We want to grow strong and together overcome the turmoils that plaque this world with you. We want your company and we would love to fellowship with you. he Community of Christ is a faith tradition dedicated to the Pursuit of Peace, Reconciliation and Healing of the Spirit. We are dedicated to God our Maker and desperately want to serve him and do good.

Through righteous living and blameless conduct, we not only stand upright in the eyes of the Lord but we serve as agents of love and our light shines through the darkness of an impoverished and war-stricken planet when we engage in Kingdom building activities. Come, be moved. Attend a service. Lift our family of friends and Christians up in prayer so that we may more effectively serve our God and help humanity help itself. What are you waiting for? Send an e-mail our way, give us a call and set aside a time to come join us and enrich your life and ours. The state of this world calls for steadfast dedication and devotion to a set of high ideals and firm trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every opportunity to overcome evil and win battles for His glory are blessings and gifts we can not overlook or underestimate. Win with God. Love Him. Know Him. Come to His alter and lay your life before Him. Take upon you His yoke for it is light. Pick up your cross and walk. Become a fisher of men. Spread the Good News. Spread peace, for this world thirsts. Spread love, for the world hungers. My heart goes out to you if your tired and you need relief. Maybe you've lost friends and family like me and miss them. If the world is moving too fast in your life I hope you can find the answers you need. There are tons of things that can weigh heavy on our hearts. We can all use as much support as we can get. Hopefully the Lord places positive souls in our lives to help aid along life's difficult times and the Lord knows we can use friends to share life's good times too. So basically I am trying to recruit you.

I want you to join in with our group. I want you to develop peacemaking skills. Truly, I believe we have a lot to gain from a union together. However, if that's not where your being led. If you don't think sharing time with us is the direction towards which you are being called. Please, consider praying for our groups and if you do, please pray that God will move our members to unite as well. Consider praying that our ministries will be effective, vibrant and powerful. Pray that we may be the agents of love we seek to be. Finally, dedicate your life (as your able) to the pursuit of fulfilling the Kingdom of God on earth.

For me, don't let another "calling" pass you by unanswered if you haven't connected with God's will and plan for your life. There really is a loving God out there and all around who wants to be your friend and desires that you invite Him into your life. It is my prayer that if you don't know Him but want to, that He lower the walls between you and Him and that a bond begins to form right now ,at this moment, that shall be the beginning of an unending friendship and journey. All in all, may the light of God's love direct you in every avenue of your life and all humanity. God speed. May Peace be with you.
-God Bless

“Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go.

Jesus Christ, the embodiment of God’s shalom, invites all people to come and receive divine peace in the midst of the difficult questions and struggles of life. Follow Christ in the way that leads to God’s peace and discover the blessings of all of the dimensions of salvation.

Generously share the invitation, ministries, and sacraments through which people can encounter the Living Christ who heals and reconciles through redemptive relationships in sacred community. The restoring of persons to healthy or righteous relationships with God, others, themselves, and the earth is at the heart of the purpose of your journey as a people of faith.

You are called to create pathways in the world for peace in Christ to be relationally and culturally incarnate. The hope of Zion is realized when the vision of Christ is embodied in communities of generosity, justice, and peacefulness." Doctrine and Covenants 163: 1-3a

Prayer List 10.18-10.25

Keep in mind this week the words which Tim has brought us. Pray for guidance not only for yourself but also for the group. It is our prayer that you will discern that calling that the Lord has for you.

"God is calling for a prophetic community to emerge, drawn from the nations of the world, that is characterized by uncommon devotion to the compassion and peace of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Through divine grace and wisdom, this faith community has been given abundant gifts, resources, and opportunities to equip it to become such a people. Chief among these is the power of community in Christ expressed locally in distinctive fashions while upholding a unity of vision, foundational beliefs, and mission throughout the world.

There are many issues that could easily consume the time and energy of the church. However, the challenge before a prophetic people is to discern and pursue what matters most for the journey ahead."

Doctrine and Covenants 163: 11a-b

Upcoming Events

Bowling and A Square Dance

This weekend is Rock’It Bowling at Hollywood Bowl and a Square Dance at the Portland Congregation as a fundraiser for Outreach International! Check out the flyer on the side bar! If you are interested in going please notify us by 5:30pm Saturday so we know how many people to reserve lanes for. Join Young Adults from all over the Mission Center who will be in attendance at Conference.

Outreach Meal

Do you enjoy serving others? Do you also like to cook? Join the Portland congregation on October 27th at 2:30 pm to help prepare meals for a local cause. Volunteers will be needed to cook and help transport the food to a local cause. See map to Portland Congregation, click here.

Tim and Rachel Are Making Their Rounds
Tim and Rachel will be taking time out to make special visits to the following congregations:
Tuality: October 28th
Garden Grove: December 2nd
We will be coming for Sunday school and the morning worship. We want to take this informal time to meet some of the young adults, share with them about the group, and answer any questions. We will be working on visiting more congregations in the future.

Free Concert at the Tuality Congregation
Tuality is having a concert on the 28th of October at 5pm. It is featuring the talents of Micah Hammac and Chad Elliot. This is a free concert all are welcome. Chad and Micah are young adults known by all in this area. It would be a great opportunity to get a bunch of them together at this time. Micah is a founding member of the Bay Area Young Adults group in California. He was also born and raised in this area. From, Pastor Rick Taylor. For directions click here.

Food, Fun, and Fellowship

What: Fellowship, Pizza, and a prayer/sharing service.
Cost: Free will offering (anywhere from $5-8 per person)
When: Sunday November 4th from 6pm-8 or whenever people leave.
Where: Rachel and Jessica's Place. For directions email the group.

GPNW Young Adult Discussion Board

Do you want to connect with other young adults across the mission center? Do you enjoy discussing topics that deal with world issues, the church, and everyday life? Then you should check out the new GPNW Young Adult discussion board. All you have to do is click on the link, register, and start posting!

Looking Ahead

Christmas Concert
Mark your Calendars! Garden Grove Vancouver Congregation is hosting a Christmas Concert on December 8th. If you are interested in performing in the concert contact Karen Sundstrom at More Details to follow.

Roloff Farm and Pumpkin Patch Recap with Pictures

Pumpkins, pumpkins, squash, and more pumpkins. Don't forget the hayride/tour of the farm, the cool tree house, the western town, castle, bridge to no where, secret trap doors and tunnels, singing camp songs while waiting in line, and questions with the "Pumpkin Master". Top it off with dinner at a local hole in the wall joint, burgers and RC Cola! The afternoon at the Roloff Farm and Pumpkin Patch was anything but boring. It was an awesome time. We had young adults from Vancouver, WA, Portland, Salem and all the way from Eugene. Check out the picture below of the day!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Prayer List 10.11-10.18

Please uphold the following people in your prayers:

1. Rebecca Redel-Internal bleeding.
2. Naomi Soper: Multiple Sclerosis, found out Monday.
3. Soper family: many things going on right now.
4. Arly: having to handle some difficult life situations right now.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Rock'it Bowling

All Young Adults Are Invited to go Bowling On Saturday the 20th at Hollywood Bowl following the Square Dance at Mission Center Conference. Click below for the flyer!
Click Here, For those who will not be able to sign up at MC Conference just send us an email to let us know you will be there.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Steve and Cathi Veazey Take Time Out With The Young Adults

On September 29th, Steve and Cathi Veazey took time out from thier busy weekend at the Portland Congregation to meet with 18 young adults and 3 "older" young adults from Oregon and Washington. The Veazey's spent the 90 minutes with us answering many questions from young adult ministries, how the church discusses important issues, congregational support, and how the couple met. It was a great time of fun and fellowship as we learned more about the President and his wife as well as the church. Our thanks go out to the Veazey's for taking the time to hear us and answer our questions!

All I have to say is "TRUE DAT", know what I mean!

Urgent Prayer Request

1. Rebecca Redel: She has internal bleeding and at the current time does not know why. Please uphold her in your prayers.

No Storm Can Shake My Innermost Calm

A Testimony From Nick Carroll
For most of this year, I have been looking for a better paying job in a field that I'm interested in. I've applied to about 50, sending resume after resume after resume to no response. I've been growing more and more depressed over my lack of finding a better job and felt like I was in a downward spiral by July when I was about ready to quit my job and take my chances with a temp agency, which is not the best option but that was how desperate I felt about my situation.For some odd reason, I finally got some responses in August after not getting any all year. Most led no where, but at least I knew people were getting my resume. There was one job offer that I got really excited about, which required me to work three weeks of every month in Alaska. Though it wouldn't have brought me closer to my career goals, it would've been an adventure worth having for about a year. But at the same time, there was a job that was exactly what I wanted. I was torn by having to make a decision that I had asked for prayers at the prayer service we had at Rachel's house. Jarom and Tim both offered prayers on my behalf and I just want to let you know that their prayers worked!

The next day, I got an answer. Rather than go into details about it, I learned that the person offering the Alaska job wasn't truthful and the other job had already selected someone, so they had saved me from making a huge mistake in accepting the Alaska job. Had I taken the Alaska job, it would have required a huge sacrifice just when we finally got a good Young Adult group started in Portland that I want to be a part of. And if I had taken the job, I wouldn't be at the retreat now because I'd be in Alaska working right now. Because I hesitated, they decided not to hire me, which was actually a blessing. It was the best rejection I've ever gotten.

I was actually happy about the decision. I just need to be patient for the right job to appear that is more in line with what I want to do in life.A couple weekends ago, I listened to nothing but Enya cds all weekend and I was surprised how calm and peaceful I felt on Monday morning. I was so blissed out on her music that no one's negativity could affect me. Something Rachel said earlier reminded me of a line from an Enya song: "no storm can shake my innermost calm." I try to remember those words, especially when I feel myself heading into a downward spiral. I just have to remember to maintain an inner peace and trust that everything will work out.

Listening: The True Power Of Persuasion

A Testimony From Jessica Porter

I consider myself a very outspoken person in most circles. However, when I'm in church related groups, I tend to keep more quiet and reflect. I often have a desire to speak up, but bite my tongue on most occasions. I have fought with whether I'm just a horrible public speaker, or I wouldn't know what to say. My life experience and situations that I've put myself in have led me to a certain common ground with many people. I don't like to come out and talk about it. But, I find joy in helping others who are in similar situations that I used to be in get through their troubles. Today, I felt that there is a reason I don't always tend to speak up. I have been called to listen. I'm to listen with not only my ears, but with my heart. So, that when those that do share come forward in their desparation, I am able to see that and not interupt. I can come to them on a more personal level to share with them that I understand. I can let them know that I have been there, and that they have a friend that truly cares and is willing to help carry that burden that weighs on their hearts. Through God, of course, the burden is made light, and I can share that burden so that the journey isn't overwhelming.

I pick my battles, my times to speak up, and my times to reflect. I choose to listen, and that is how I spread peace throughout my walk with Christ.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Prayer List 10.4-10.10

Please keep the following people in your prayers:

1.Naomi Soper: On Friday, we received word that Naomi Soper woke up blind in one eye. As the day progressed, there was some light getting through and they spent the good part of the day trying to find out what is happening. This they know: her retina and vessels are healthy. There is significant pressure being exerted on her optic nerve; cause unknown. She will go to the university medical center to see the neuro-ophthalmologist and have a specialized MRI. Joy Farquhar, Naomi’s mother, informed me that the likelihood of a tumor is slim since this was a sudden onset, but the likelihood of multiple sclerosis or damage from meds is much greater. She says they are hoping for idiopathic (unknown cause) optic neuritis, since that might be gone in a month. But whatever the cause, she needs our prayers.

2.From Rebecca Redel: I just got an email from my parents today and my dog is in the hospital. IV and everything. I cried. He's such a great dog and I miss him so much! Please send out a prayer that he gets well and quickly.

3. Metro Area Young Adult Group

4. Mission Center Conference

Weekly Scriptures:

"The Lord gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases thier strength." Isaiah 40: 29

"Fear not; for I am with you; be not dismayed;fo I am your God; I will strengthen you; and I will help you; I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10

October Activities

Upcoming Events

October 7 from 6-8pm. Pizza/Fellowship/Prayer Service at Rachel’s rescheduled. Please contact Rachel if you plan to attend.

Darfur Interfaith Service

For all you people out there keeping up with what is going on in Darfur…
November 11th – 4pm Interfaith Service – Never Again including a candlelight vigil and passing the Olympic Torch – Kristallnacht – The day of broken glass Through a network of the Interfaith Alliance, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon , the Inter-Religious Action Network of Washington County and the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland there will be an hour service where people of all faiths are invited to speak and pray together. We will have a Darfuri keynote speaker. After the service, community members will gather outside in the Park Blocks at Portland State for a candlelight vigil and the passing of the Olympic Torch by survivors in the community.

Possible Speakers:
David Wu or Steve Marks
KTJ on the China connection
Ben from Save Darfur
Darfuri survivor
James from Southern Sudan – local and very dynamic
Trailblazer to make Olympic Athlete statement
Other survivors will help pass the torch outside

Trip to Roloff Pumpkin Patch and Dinner
Click Here for a PDF File with more details
Who: This is a great activity for everyone including young adult families!
When: October 14th, from 2-7 pm
Where: See map from Portland. NW Grossen Drive, Hillsboro, OR 97124
What: Open: Pumpkin Season opens Friday, September 29, 2006; The farm will be open Fridays & Saturdays during the month of October from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sundays from 12:00 noon - 6:00 PM.. October is a very special time of year at Roloff's Farm! A visit to our pumpkin patch and the annual tour through the Roloff family’s private playground have long been a tradition for many local families. Among the various structures are a picturesque Western Town, an incredible three-story Tree House, a massive Medieval Castle and even a full-size Pirate Ship. Because they were constructed for the enjoyment of the Roloff family and friends, they were not designed to be used for recreational purposes by the general public. The Roloff family has made LIMITED access available to the public only during October’s Pumpkin Patch season due to the number of requests to “tour” the property. Matt and the Roloff family star in The Learning Channel’s TV show “Little People, Big World.”

We will go and get dinner afterwards depending on where the group

wants to go.
1. You Tube Video
2. Roloff Farms Website
3. TLC Wesbite
Transportation: You can either transport yourself there and meet us or meet at the Portland Congregation at 1:15 to carpool. Let us know if you plan to carpool.
4837 NE Couch Street
Portland, OR 97213

Cost: It will cost under $5 for parking, under $5 for a hayride tour, cost for the pumpkins per pound, and then the cost of dinner.

Mission Center Conference Square Dance/Outreach International Fundraiser

What: A square Dance
When: October 20 from 7:30 to 8:30/9
Where: Portland Congregation Gym
What: Square Dancing with a 19-year-old prodigy caller (and possibly professional dancers in the audience to help out with difficult cases)
Why: Benefit for Outreach International, specifically raising money for micro-loans in Indonesia
Extras: Light refreshments provided.
Get involved: Show up early to help set up.

Don't Worry You don't have to dress like this ----------->

Attention all Pod Casters

Check out the YAK Pack, a Community of Christ Young Adult Ministry featuring free pod casts with interviews, insights, and other awesome stuff you will love.
Note: You do not have to have an ipod to listen to the pod casts, just itunes and quicktime player which you can download on the site.