Petition for Dedication from Tim Soper
Members of the Community of Christ, brothers & sisters of faith and all those who feel a calling to receive all the eternal gifts promised to you by our Holy Lord. Do you have an unceasing desire to spread love, peace and joy throughout our communities? Would you like to? If so, come lift our creator up to the majesty, honor and respect to which He deserves. Get involved. Help make this world a better place for all. Develop your skills as peacemakers.
Refine your bodies and consciences in preparation for your rightful place in heaven. Through the perfecting of your unique and personal gifts, which have been bestowed upon you by God, learn to grasp your full potential. Practice forgiving your enemies and prepare to wage war on all that defies the most high will of God the Creator who embodies Christ's Shalom. Make new friends and allies in Christ Jesus. Develop the "know how" to obtain inner peace and happiness in a world that can all to often be such a bleak and broken planet.
The M.A.Y.A.'s are a great group of young adults dedicated to Christ. We meet on a regular basis to fellowship and share in all sorts of really fun activities. Together we plan to engage in what's most meaningful to each of us. We are constantly looking to expand our base and attract souls who share our desire to be disciples of our Lord. We are one in the spirit. We are one in the Lord.
You deserve greatness and the young adults of the Pacific NW Mission Center, Community of Christ are striving to do great. We have a powerful will but we need you. If this is your place, open your heart. Ask Jesus to come into your life and direct you to places only the true Love of God could inspire. If one of our month to month activities sounds cool and fun, come join us. We want to show you love. We would love to have you. We want to grow strong and together overcome the turmoils that plaque this world with you. We want your company and we would love to fellowship with you. he Community of Christ is a faith tradition dedicated to the Pursuit of Peace, Reconciliation and Healing of the Spirit. We are dedicated to God our Maker and desperately want to serve him and do good.
Through righteous living and blameless conduct, we not only stand upright in the eyes of the Lord but we serve as agents of love and our light shines through the darkness of an impoverished and war-stricken planet when we engage in Kingdom building activities. Come, be moved. Attend a service. Lift our family of friends and Christians up in prayer so that we may more effectively serve our God and help humanity help itself. What are you waiting for? Send an e-mail our way, give us a call and set aside a time to come join us and enrich your life and ours. The state of this world calls for steadfast dedication and devotion to a set of high ideals and firm trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every opportunity to overcome evil and win battles for His glory are blessings and gifts we can not overlook or underestimate. Win with God. Love Him. Know Him. Come to His alter and lay your life before Him. Take upon you His yoke for it is light. Pick up your cross and walk. Become a fisher of men. Spread the Good News. Spread peace, for this world thirsts. Spread love, for the world hungers. My heart goes out to you if your tired and you need relief. Maybe you've lost friends and family like me and miss them. If the world is moving too fast in your life I hope you can find the answers you need. There are tons of things that can weigh heavy on our hearts. We can all use as much support as we can get. Hopefully the Lord places positive souls in our lives to help aid along life's difficult times and the Lord knows we can use friends to share life's good times too. So basically I am trying to recruit you.
I want you to join in with our group. I want you to develop peacemaking skills. Truly, I believe we have a lot to gain from a union together. However, if that's not where your being led. If you don't think sharing time with us is the direction towards which you are being called. Please, consider praying for our groups and if you do, please pray that God will move our members to unite as well. Consider praying that our ministries will be effective, vibrant and powerful. Pray that we may be the agents of love we seek to be. Finally, dedicate your life (as your able) to the pursuit of fulfilling the Kingdom of God on earth.
For me, don't let another "calling" pass you by unanswered if you haven't connected with God's will and plan for your life. There really is a loving God out there and all around who wants to be your friend and desires that you invite Him into your life. It is my prayer that if you don't know Him but want to, that He lower the walls between you and Him and that a bond begins to form right now ,at this moment, that shall be the beginning of an unending friendship and journey. All in all, may the light of God's love direct you in every avenue of your life and all humanity. God speed. May Peace be with you.
-God Bless
“Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go.
Generously share the invitation, ministries, and sacraments through which people can encounter the Living Christ who heals and reconciles through redemptive relationships in sacred community. The restoring of persons to healthy or righteous relationships with God, others, themselves, and the earth is at the heart of the purpose of your journey as a people of faith.
You are called to create pathways in the world for peace in Christ to be relationally and culturally incarnate. The hope of Zion is realized when the vision of Christ is embodied in communities of generosity, justice, and peacefulness." Doctrine and Covenants 163: 1-3a
Members of the Community of Christ, brothers & sisters of faith and all those who feel a calling to receive all the eternal gifts promised to you by our Holy Lord. Do you have an unceasing desire to spread love, peace and joy throughout our communities? Would you like to? If so, come lift our creator up to the majesty, honor and respect to which He deserves. Get involved. Help make this world a better place for all. Develop your skills as peacemakers.
Refine your bodies and consciences in preparation for your rightful place in heaven. Through the perfecting of your unique and personal gifts, which have been bestowed upon you by God, learn to grasp your full potential. Practice forgiving your enemies and prepare to wage war on all that defies the most high will of God the Creator who embodies Christ's Shalom. Make new friends and allies in Christ Jesus. Develop the "know how" to obtain inner peace and happiness in a world that can all to often be such a bleak and broken planet.
The M.A.Y.A.'s are a great group of young adults dedicated to Christ. We meet on a regular basis to fellowship and share in all sorts of really fun activities. Together we plan to engage in what's most meaningful to each of us. We are constantly looking to expand our base and attract souls who share our desire to be disciples of our Lord. We are one in the spirit. We are one in the Lord.
You deserve greatness and the young adults of the Pacific NW Mission Center, Community of Christ are striving to do great. We have a powerful will but we need you. If this is your place, open your heart. Ask Jesus to come into your life and direct you to places only the true Love of God could inspire. If one of our month to month activities sounds cool and fun, come join us. We want to show you love. We would love to have you. We want to grow strong and together overcome the turmoils that plaque this world with you. We want your company and we would love to fellowship with you. he Community of Christ is a faith tradition dedicated to the Pursuit of Peace, Reconciliation and Healing of the Spirit. We are dedicated to God our Maker and desperately want to serve him and do good.
Through righteous living and blameless conduct, we not only stand upright in the eyes of the Lord but we serve as agents of love and our light shines through the darkness of an impoverished and war-stricken planet when we engage in Kingdom building activities. Come, be moved. Attend a service. Lift our family of friends and Christians up in prayer so that we may more effectively serve our God and help humanity help itself. What are you waiting for? Send an e-mail our way, give us a call and set aside a time to come join us and enrich your life and ours. The state of this world calls for steadfast dedication and devotion to a set of high ideals and firm trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every opportunity to overcome evil and win battles for His glory are blessings and gifts we can not overlook or underestimate. Win with God. Love Him. Know Him. Come to His alter and lay your life before Him. Take upon you His yoke for it is light. Pick up your cross and walk. Become a fisher of men. Spread the Good News. Spread peace, for this world thirsts. Spread love, for the world hungers. My heart goes out to you if your tired and you need relief. Maybe you've lost friends and family like me and miss them. If the world is moving too fast in your life I hope you can find the answers you need. There are tons of things that can weigh heavy on our hearts. We can all use as much support as we can get. Hopefully the Lord places positive souls in our lives to help aid along life's difficult times and the Lord knows we can use friends to share life's good times too. So basically I am trying to recruit you.
I want you to join in with our group. I want you to develop peacemaking skills. Truly, I believe we have a lot to gain from a union together. However, if that's not where your being led. If you don't think sharing time with us is the direction towards which you are being called. Please, consider praying for our groups and if you do, please pray that God will move our members to unite as well. Consider praying that our ministries will be effective, vibrant and powerful. Pray that we may be the agents of love we seek to be. Finally, dedicate your life (as your able) to the pursuit of fulfilling the Kingdom of God on earth.
For me, don't let another "calling" pass you by unanswered if you haven't connected with God's will and plan for your life. There really is a loving God out there and all around who wants to be your friend and desires that you invite Him into your life. It is my prayer that if you don't know Him but want to, that He lower the walls between you and Him and that a bond begins to form right now ,at this moment, that shall be the beginning of an unending friendship and journey. All in all, may the light of God's love direct you in every avenue of your life and all humanity. God speed. May Peace be with you.
-God Bless
“Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go.
Jesus Christ, the embodiment of God’s shalom, invites all people to come and receive divine peace in the midst of the difficult questions and struggles of life. Follow Christ in the way that leads to God’s peace and discover the blessings of all of the dimensions of salvation.
Generously share the invitation, ministries, and sacraments through which people can encounter the Living Christ who heals and reconciles through redemptive relationships in sacred community. The restoring of persons to healthy or righteous relationships with God, others, themselves, and the earth is at the heart of the purpose of your journey as a people of faith.
You are called to create pathways in the world for peace in Christ to be relationally and culturally incarnate. The hope of Zion is realized when the vision of Christ is embodied in communities of generosity, justice, and peacefulness." Doctrine and Covenants 163: 1-3a
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