MAYAs formed as a group in July of 2007. MAYAs is comprised of Young Adults from congregations in the Greater Pacific Northwest Mission Center. Members of MAYAs live in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Vancouver, Eugene, and Tigard.


Metro Area Young Adults is a ministry within the Community of Christ. We strive to embody the church mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of hope, love, joy, and peace. All are welcome to laugh, learn, share, fellowship, and worship.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blessing Our Children and Future Generations

From Sean Langdon -

We have an exciting Mission Center event to tell you all about! On the weekend of September 26-28 at the Portland, OR Community of Christ congregation, there will be an Intergenerational Dialogue Experience! The intent of this weekend event is for the Younger Generation (Youth & Young Adults) and the Older Generation in the church to share in a weekend of listening to each other.

As you probably already know, participation of young adults in the church is continuously declining. There are a variety of reasons for this happening, such as prefer different worship style, prefer to express faith in other ways (volunteering, etc.), work schedule doesn't accommodate going to church, not feeling like we have a place in the church, unsure about faith, and a variety of other valid reasons. The intention of this weekend is for the older generation in the church to listen to the youth/young adults so that we can all become more knowledgable of what we can be done to reach out to our generation.

This is not intended to be just an event, but the beginning of a wonderful process. The Mission Center is taking the steps needed to examine this and be at the forefront of reaching out to young adults and youth in the Community of Christ. Nothing can change until we are willing to talk and listen to each other.

So, I encourage you to join me and come to this invaulable weekend experience. I have had the pleasure to serve on the committee for this event and am really excited about the possible outcome of an experience such as this. Attached to this e-mail is a mailer that was sent out with lots of information and a registration form on it.

Hope to see you there! Register Today! Oh, and how can I forget!? This weekend event is FREE for youth/young adults. If you need help with housing, please contact Rachel Porter at

I hope you can come! Peace In!